Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ya know what?

I feel like posting AGAIN!!!! isn't it great to live in a free country where no one CARES how many freaking times you explode all over your computer screen with absolutely NO purpose except that you are bored out of your mind and your best friend isn't on the internet so you can't continuously email her????? isn't that just the BEST thing EVER??????

this will be a shortie, i swear. i just......i have a lot on my mind, you know, and maybe i like exploding all over my screen so that maybe, one day in the far future, after the internet has been replaced with something more efficient and mindless techies are sorting through all the cyber-junk, maybe on of them will stumble across this blog and get a kick out of the ramblings of a random person. that would bring joy to my immortal soul, ya know? that's the sort of thing an angel gets it's wings for.

g'night, assorted friends and whatnot. love as ever.



Anonymous said...

yo, yo, yo, im on.


Anonymous said...

HEY, check ur email. oh and lol on the list of people who might read ur blog. hahahahaha. :)


Anonymous said...



PS sorry 4 posting comments that have nothing to do with ur blog.