Saturday, April 18, 2009

tHiS iS a RaNt AbOuT tHe LoUdNeSs Of SaXoPhOnEs!

as the title clearly suggests, this is a rant about the loudness (and, therefore, friggin awesomeness) of saxophones. especially the Tenor Saxophone. i had to capitalize that because it is royalty. see? alto saxophone and just plain saxophone can be written in lower case letters. but Tenor Saxophone must be capitalized or all-caps-ed. it's just a law. wHoA! i just got off topic with my rant! lets try again, shall we?

okay, the TENOR SAXOPHONE is a very loud instrument. most instruments are, actually, except for like keyboard where you can adjust the volume and stuff. you might be saying to yourself, "but Skye, why on earth are you ranting about how loud Tenors are? it's not like you're listening to one practice in the background while trying to listen to 'goodbye' by Miley Cyrus or anything (Kris, no comment on the Miley bit, pleez.)' well, actually, blog-reader, i am trying to listen to music while a loud Tenor Saxophone is playing the background! weird, how no one would figure that out, right?

i know, i know, it isn't right to single out the TENOR SAXOPHONE as the loudest instrument in the whole darn world. actually, i LOVELOVELOVE the Tenor Saxophone, and anyone who plays it, which includes me because i am a rudimentary saxophonist. but you don't get all the all-too-apparent awesomeness when it is blasting in your ears when you are trying to do something somewhat important. all you get is the overwhelming lOuDnEsS of the silly thing. so, if YOU TOO play the Tenor Saxophone, don't take this personally. i just could use some peace and quiet for a while.

peace, love, and Tenor Saxophones *squee*

~skyefish the unfathomably fantastical~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no comment, but i like miley fo real. ur right, tenor saxes r beasts!
