Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I am both Happy and Sad......

i am happy! and also sad! which to explain first.....i will go chronologically in the way that i wrote them. there is probably a word for that but i do not know of it.....

i am happy because the world is good. i think i blogged on that yesterday or sometime. life is just fabulous, and everything seems brighter when you are in love.

i am sad because i am sick, my best friends (and boyfriend) are all leaving town tomorrow for Washington DC on a school trip. probably about half of our grade is going, and half of the teachers (all of the good teachers) and they will be gone until Saturday night. and, on top of that, on Friday and Saturday i have to go to State Science Olympiad and without most of my buds.....i mean, there are only five other kids besides me going...............

so, pudding. but, even though the sads outweigh the happys, i am still mostly happy. like i said above, life is good when you're in love.......

love to all (and especially fellow science geekoids)

~skyefish the pathetically random~

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