Sunday, April 5, 2009

The line is breaking up! Or is that just us?

:) i love song lyrics! this one is from 'on the line' by Demi Lovato/The Jonas Brothers. don't judge me. that's how it works around here--i don't judge you, you don't judge me. besides, their music is actually pretty good, ya know?

anyway, GUESS WHAT??!?!?!?!!!?!?!!?!?!? our 'science geek' team (science olympiad) won SECOND!!!!! in the whole REGION!!!!! and we're going to STATE!!!!!! *yahoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!*
*huffs and puffs from yelling so hard* isn't that exciting, friends! it almost makes up for my best guy friend being a butt head and me being all confused and stuff. yeah. on to the next subject.

okay, so there is this guy at my church. i will call him.......Darren, so you can't stalk him or anything. and Darren has a twin brother named...........I'm thinking maybe Roger? okay, so i have a huge crush Darren (goodness gracious is flipping HOT) but then i really don't know either of them enough to make a real preference since they are identical and all, but still i think i like Darren better.......but Roger looks at me more.........but, of course, i do kind of sit BEHIND Darren............hmmmm.............

isn't it nice to hear about something other than me being confused? this is mostly because i haven't seen the object of my confusion in so long that i can't concentrate on it........

anywho, see ya l8r!!! or, ya know, not SEE ya persay.....

~skyefish the bloggogger~

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