Thursday, April 30, 2009

whoa.........i thought i had issues...

okay, so ya know how sometimes i talk about my issues? well, i just found someone who has even bigger issues than me! isn't that refreshing? (and no, kris, it isn't you) so, let me tell you a bit about them.

1. they just broke up with their boyfriend (the person's a girl) who she had been going out with from a long time.

2. she tends to be a tiny bit obsessive.

3. she thinks that she's in love with her ex-boyfriend's older brother.

so, yeah, more issues than me. gotta go!



Allison said...

you wouldnt happen to be talking about cubes' ex gf would you??? i'm curious)

Anonymous said...

thanks, and yeah thas purty weird jus sayin.