Friday, May 1, 2009

*giggle* more friends with issues!

*giggles hysterically* i LOVE finding people who have more issues than me! it gives me an excuse not to blog about my issues and blog about theirs! *again with the giggling*

anyway, my friend (another girl, BTW) we went on this trip, right, to the state science geek competition, and another school in our county went too, so to save the planet and all we rode the same bus and so we didn't really know any of the kids, and my friend, the Lizard (i have referred to her before, in an earlier post long ago), she is WAY more outgoing than me, and so she turns around in her seat and starts talking to these four guys who were sitting behind us, who had surprisingly common names like Matt and Sam and Max and John......but, anyway, she turns around and starts talking to them, and she realizes that this one guy is really funny. and so she's like, 'hey, Skye, Sam is funny' (do you know how many Sam's there are in the world? you can't stalk this guy....unless ur the Lizard)

and, as so often happens, 'wow, he's funny' turned to 'wow, he's cute' and so not only did we have to stay up until way early listening at our hotel room door to hear him talking the Lizard has become a stalker-type-person because she remembered half of his last name and knew that he had said that his dad was a certain profession so she went through the phone book Yellow Pages for that profession with that part-of-a-last-name and so then she narrowed it down to 2 last names and Googled him and found his MySpace and Facebook pages.....

and i thought i can obsess a little more than necessary............

love to all!
~skyefish the not-as-stalkery-as-Lizard~

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