Tuesday, May 5, 2009

bees as big as manhattan

no offense to anyone who actually lives in Manhattan and knows that a bee the size of Manhattan would like kill the world, but these things are killer huge bugs! i am not a bug person. i like butterflies and moths because they are poetic and ladybugs because i have always liked ladybugs but bees and crickets and flies and mosquitoes and things of that nature drive me up the wall.

now that i think about it, my brother drives me up the wall too. but he is not an insect. that would be really scary. I'm not too fond of spiders either. but, yeah, whatever, whoever, whenever.

nothing exciting happening with my obsession. no progress along the Brave Chicken Nugget Girl scale has been made, unless you count riding upside down roller coasters which of course has nothing to do with love or boys or anything.....

oh, snap, the voice tells me i gotta go. love!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah, bees! 'the voice tells me i gotta go!' lol!
