Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Finally, a mad post!


i am way ticked off right now. if i were a worse or slightly less controlled person, this blog post would be a semi-intelligible mass of swear words. however, just know that my anger is burning holes in the parts of my neck right under my ears and the fronts of my shoulders. i am very angry.

firstly, earlier today, i discovered that the cool applications were deleted from my calculator. now, this got me REALLY WHIZZED, but i was reassured by my Algebra teacher that she would do all in her power to get this fixed. so, then, i was okay.

secondly, my boyfriend, whom i love dearly, thinks that he failed his math EOG. this doesn't exactly make me angry, well, maybe a little for him selling himself short, but mostly just high-wired and nervous for him. i want him to do well. i need him to do well. he simply must pass this stupidly standardized test. the magical 8-ball wills it. (not a drug 8-ball, the magic fortune telling kind. duh...)

then, lastly, i have been having a little spat with a friend of mine who i refer to on this blog as the Lizard. well, we were duking it out via email, and her mother gets into her email account, reads one of the emails that i sent to Lizard, and then replies to it, trying to be a mediator and shield the cold, hard, truth-ity-truth from her daughter's extremely innocent ears. now, i realize that she means well, and that she is only trying to mend our friendship, but, to me, that makes me even madder at Lizard than i was before. it isn't her fault that her mom read my email, but some things were meant to not literally be said in the open for other people to hear. some things are personal battles that are meant to be confined to Cyberspace, and between two people specifically. it is a sick, twisted reality indeed when something as personal as a little friendship spat email is opened by people other than the intended reader. a sick reality indeed.

i think i liked being on a cloud better. screw reality. just screw it.



Anonymous said...

i agree, screw reality.

Allison said...

i second your agreeance...if that's a word...but anyways-i AGREE!!!!!