Wednesday, May 6, 2009

i thought of some rules.....

isn't it nice when you get physically exhausted by exercise while your mind remains alert? in this state of mind i came up with some rules for everyone in their lives. some are kind of contradictory (all of them are, actually) but they are nice rules all the same.

1. don't fall in love with your best guy friend because then when you break up it sucks because your relationship goes splat.....

2. do fall in love with your best guy friend because then you know them and they know you and that is a few less conversations that you have to have......

3. fall in love with your best friend's twin brother because a) you get a super secret spy into his life and b) she becomes your sister-in-law (kinda)........

4. don't fall in love with your best friend's twin brother because she tells you all these weird things about him like what he puts on Subway sandwiches and whether or not he can roll the 'r' in Spanish phrases. *cough kris cough*

i only follow two of these rules though (2 and 3) *giggle*


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