Thursday, April 2, 2009

I dared you to kiss me and ran when you tried...

that is a song lyric, if you couldn't tell from the absolute out-of-context-ed-ness that generally applies to random song lyrics. it is from the song 'Mary's song' by the ever fabulous Taylor Swift. heard of her? i sure hope so. you don't have to like her music, but i really like the songs she writes and she is one of my biggest musical roll models and yada yada ya.....

can you tell that i am stalling? avoiding the question, whatever question that may be? can you? props to those who can. for those who can't.....i have nothing to say to you.....

well, as anyone who has been following this blog can surely note, i am an utterly confused individual. and i know for certain that the two actual followers of this blog know that (Q, Kris, this means YOU!) but, until lately, my confusedness was very limited and mostly kept inside me or used as an excuse when i act like a complete imbecile. is my life like that anymore? NO! now my confusedness actually affects people, and, i dunno, apparently that makes it kinda important. *sigh*

i wish sometimes that there was no such thing as confused. that there was a set path of true destiny for you (which included mistakes and wrong turns, which of course you would not know ahead of time) that every single decision that you made followed closely and, therefore, there was no need for confusedness.

did you pick up on it that time? the avoiding? ten gold stars! good job!

in case you really care about my well being, i never am actually going to reveal the outcome of my confusedness, on the off-chance that the person i am confused about finds this page. but i hope you enjoy reading my confusedness, dearest friends, enemies, reporters, paparazzi, government officials, stalkers, murderers, wizards, vampires, werewolves, pixies, cannibals, republicans, Bobby-Joes, and redneck ninjas that happen upon this. love as always.

~skyefish~ (gone skyefishing, be back later.........)

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