Monday, April 27, 2009

i am fnupping obsessing right now.....

okay, right now, as the title both implies and cLeArLy StaTeS, i am obsessing over something right now. i won't give you detail in case someone (a very certain someone who i don't think reads my blog anyway) reads this, which he probably won't because i don't think he knows that i blog but anyway i am obsessing over something that i won't say but that Kris knows about and it probably kinda bugs her that all i can do is talk about it indirectly.

i think that, even when i am talking to Kris face to face, i still only say 'obsessing' and never what it is because i am not quite sure whether i am really wanting to do it or not because when we aren't together its like *random fantasy, followed immediately by similar fantasy* but then when we're together i wonder 'do i really wanna do this?'

so, yeah. what with all of that is doesn't exactly take an Einstein to figure it out. Q, has Kris told ya yet, or have ya caught on?

~skyefish the horribly obsessed and utterly confuzzled~

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