Thursday, April 9, 2009

Holy Fnupping Crappy!

Yes, fnupping is a word. I just invented it. it does not mean f***ing. no, it does not. but it was inspired by my friend Kris' ten inch blog post, where she seamlessly flows from one random topic to another for about five inches and rants randomly about things in our lives for the other five inches. have you ever really liked someone and known that they like you back but been too much of a coward to say anything and when their twin sister tries to tell them to talk to you so that you can nonchalantly drop some hints they won't believe her because you and this guy have already gone out once and he thinks that you hate him? has this ever happened to YOU? if so, please join the club. that is my life right now. but i have ranted enough about this.

BTW, in the title, a crappy is a fish.

tomorrow is our school talent show. my algebra teacher's daughter just had twin girls. i have to dance in the talent show. the guy i like's science teacher has been replaced with his old bus driver who hates his guts unjustly. i am terrified that i will mess up my dance, or one of my friends will mess up and we will crash and burn. there was something in the water at our school today so we were all acting kinda caffeinated without actually being that. i have to go now.

tootleloo, friends!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

skye, u flippin' PWNED at the talent show. omg, u were ahmazing!!!
