Tuesday, April 7, 2009


hi! i really haven't got much to say, but I need something to do while i download 'i will' by jimmy wayne. great song, FYI, but if country isn't ur thing, don't judge me. but it is a good song.......

SO! man, what a stressful random two days these two days have been! and it is only Tuesday! who knows what will happen tomorrow or *gasp* THURSDAY!?!?!?!????!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!! there have been enough random almost-cat-fights, bad attitudes, and bad days in these two days to cover at least two weeks in a semi-Utopian society. but, whaddaya know! this isn't even semi-semi-utopian! our society is full of complete meanies and horrible fathers (not mine, fyi, check my follower kris' blog to find one of those) and random behind-their-back conversations that give me whiplash trying to remember who is mad at whom! (is that the correct use of whom?)

are ya catching the drift that one of those bad days was kinda mine? well, yeah, kinda. not so bad as some other people's days *cough Kris cough* but, oddly enough, i am mostly happy. isn't that completely peculiar? yeah, i dunno, the joys of potential affection, i suppose. but, FYI, 'Cameron' has been being a total buttface. you don't know who that is, which is good, because he is a great and funny person but not so much lately. yeah.

ENOUGH! i should stop using the internet to solve (or not so much solve) my problems! bye now!!!!!!!!!!!

many many many fangs,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love ur blogs, so funny. :) lylas
