Wednesday, April 29, 2009

dontcha love band geeks?

okay, this is a post to all the girls in the audience, with the easily expressed hope that some time in your lives you get to date someone in a school band. because lemme tell ya, there is nothing hotter in the world (at least, to me) than an already hot guy with a shiny instrument hanging off of his neck! and then you walk a few more steps and you hear beautiful music and know the hot guy and his shiny instrument are making it! I'm getting all blushing-y and way-to-happy-for-this-to-be-natural-y from the memory! *giggles like someone who just kicked a WHOLE lot of dandelions*

let me explain the dandelion thing: ya know how (supposedly) blowing the seeds off of a white dandelion will make the wish you wish as you blow come true? well, (and this might just be me) a lot of times when i try that i get all lightheaded from blowing too hard too much so i find it much easier to just kick the little fluffy-bits off. i mean, really, it's a lot easier. and, plus, it doesn't hurt the plant, like picking it would do. i didn't think of that until just now. wow, saving the Earth's weeds AND acting like a crazy person! woot!

anywho, i have been WWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY too happy lately. some might say that it is only natural to be so happy, but i swear that there is no way that rocking back and forth when you're sitting and bouncing around like a freak while standing is normal. it is kinda related to my obsession............but yeah, whatever, nothing major gone on. if it were this message would be IN ALL CAPS LIKE THIS.

lovelovelove all you faithful readers!

~skyefish the most hyperactive squirrel monkey muffin ever!~


Anonymous said...

ha, squirell monkey muffin, pielarious.


Allison said...

nice! you're saving the earth and being hyperactive at the same time! now that's what i call effective... :)