Thursday, April 30, 2009

whoa.........i thought i had issues...

okay, so ya know how sometimes i talk about my issues? well, i just found someone who has even bigger issues than me! isn't that refreshing? (and no, kris, it isn't you) so, let me tell you a bit about them.

1. they just broke up with their boyfriend (the person's a girl) who she had been going out with from a long time.

2. she tends to be a tiny bit obsessive.

3. she thinks that she's in love with her ex-boyfriend's older brother.

so, yeah, more issues than me. gotta go!


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

dontcha love band geeks?

okay, this is a post to all the girls in the audience, with the easily expressed hope that some time in your lives you get to date someone in a school band. because lemme tell ya, there is nothing hotter in the world (at least, to me) than an already hot guy with a shiny instrument hanging off of his neck! and then you walk a few more steps and you hear beautiful music and know the hot guy and his shiny instrument are making it! I'm getting all blushing-y and way-to-happy-for-this-to-be-natural-y from the memory! *giggles like someone who just kicked a WHOLE lot of dandelions*

let me explain the dandelion thing: ya know how (supposedly) blowing the seeds off of a white dandelion will make the wish you wish as you blow come true? well, (and this might just be me) a lot of times when i try that i get all lightheaded from blowing too hard too much so i find it much easier to just kick the little fluffy-bits off. i mean, really, it's a lot easier. and, plus, it doesn't hurt the plant, like picking it would do. i didn't think of that until just now. wow, saving the Earth's weeds AND acting like a crazy person! woot!

anywho, i have been WWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY too happy lately. some might say that it is only natural to be so happy, but i swear that there is no way that rocking back and forth when you're sitting and bouncing around like a freak while standing is normal. it is kinda related to my obsession............but yeah, whatever, nothing major gone on. if it were this message would be IN ALL CAPS LIKE THIS.

lovelovelove all you faithful readers!

~skyefish the most hyperactive squirrel monkey muffin ever!~

Monday, April 27, 2009

i am fnupping obsessing right now.....

okay, right now, as the title both implies and cLeArLy StaTeS, i am obsessing over something right now. i won't give you detail in case someone (a very certain someone who i don't think reads my blog anyway) reads this, which he probably won't because i don't think he knows that i blog but anyway i am obsessing over something that i won't say but that Kris knows about and it probably kinda bugs her that all i can do is talk about it indirectly.

i think that, even when i am talking to Kris face to face, i still only say 'obsessing' and never what it is because i am not quite sure whether i am really wanting to do it or not because when we aren't together its like *random fantasy, followed immediately by similar fantasy* but then when we're together i wonder 'do i really wanna do this?'

so, yeah. what with all of that is doesn't exactly take an Einstein to figure it out. Q, has Kris told ya yet, or have ya caught on?

~skyefish the horribly obsessed and utterly confuzzled~

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

*dead silence*

*eerily silent, freakish cricket noises and weird silent stuff all around*

yeah. it is way quiet without everyone around. i mean, i'm not at school right now, so it isn't ACTUALLY quiet, but anyway, it was crazy at school today with all the wackadoo schedules and dead silence. with all the silence, there is nothing else to say.

~skyefish the undead heart~ (dats a club)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I am both Happy and Sad......

i am happy! and also sad! which to explain first.....i will go chronologically in the way that i wrote them. there is probably a word for that but i do not know of it.....

i am happy because the world is good. i think i blogged on that yesterday or sometime. life is just fabulous, and everything seems brighter when you are in love.

i am sad because i am sick, my best friends (and boyfriend) are all leaving town tomorrow for Washington DC on a school trip. probably about half of our grade is going, and half of the teachers (all of the good teachers) and they will be gone until Saturday night. and, on top of that, on Friday and Saturday i have to go to State Science Olympiad and without most of my buds.....i mean, there are only five other kids besides me going...............

so, pudding. but, even though the sads outweigh the happys, i am still mostly happy. like i said above, life is good when you're in love.......

love to all (and especially fellow science geekoids)

~skyefish the pathetically random~

Monday, April 20, 2009

Tralala lalala lalala lalala

do you even know how happy i am right now? are there words enough to describe the joy i am feeling? can you tell that i love the world at this very moment? well? do you? are there? can you? WELL?????????????????

life is gorgeous when you're happy. i hope that each and every one of you can be this happy at some time in your life. the world is just a place full of joy and truth and happiness when you're happy. happiness is brilliant. *sigh*

sighfully yours

Saturday, April 18, 2009

tHiS iS a RaNt AbOuT tHe LoUdNeSs Of SaXoPhOnEs!

as the title clearly suggests, this is a rant about the loudness (and, therefore, friggin awesomeness) of saxophones. especially the Tenor Saxophone. i had to capitalize that because it is royalty. see? alto saxophone and just plain saxophone can be written in lower case letters. but Tenor Saxophone must be capitalized or all-caps-ed. it's just a law. wHoA! i just got off topic with my rant! lets try again, shall we?

okay, the TENOR SAXOPHONE is a very loud instrument. most instruments are, actually, except for like keyboard where you can adjust the volume and stuff. you might be saying to yourself, "but Skye, why on earth are you ranting about how loud Tenors are? it's not like you're listening to one practice in the background while trying to listen to 'goodbye' by Miley Cyrus or anything (Kris, no comment on the Miley bit, pleez.)' well, actually, blog-reader, i am trying to listen to music while a loud Tenor Saxophone is playing the background! weird, how no one would figure that out, right?

i know, i know, it isn't right to single out the TENOR SAXOPHONE as the loudest instrument in the whole darn world. actually, i LOVELOVELOVE the Tenor Saxophone, and anyone who plays it, which includes me because i am a rudimentary saxophonist. but you don't get all the all-too-apparent awesomeness when it is blasting in your ears when you are trying to do something somewhat important. all you get is the overwhelming lOuDnEsS of the silly thing. so, if YOU TOO play the Tenor Saxophone, don't take this personally. i just could use some peace and quiet for a while.

peace, love, and Tenor Saxophones *squee*

~skyefish the unfathomably fantastical~

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

So, pudding.

that's a long story. ya wanna know something kinda funny? ya know how ya figure that email is instantaneous? well, i just sent an email from my gmail account (that i never ever use at all) to my normal account and it took like three or four minutes..........

i am bored. i really want to talk to my best friend. or my boyfriend. or.......anyone, really........

i feel cut out.

i need help.


Monday, April 13, 2009

The time has Come, the Walrus said.......

That is one of my favorite quotes, fer sure. "The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of other things, of shoes and ships, and ceiling wax, of cabbages and kings, and why the sea is boiling hot, and whether pigs have wings." that is from Alice and Wonderland, the bit where Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum are telling Alice the story about the Walrus and the...sailor, was it? and they trick the clams out of their nursery and eat them all for supper. *sigh*

I could go on forever talking about Alice in Wonderland. i even wrote a song about it! but the song actually doesn't have all that much to do with the story at all, just some random references and stuff, i guess it is actually about a girl liking a guy and getting lost in his eyes like falling down the rabbit hole..............

i have nothing else to say. so, pudding (you don't get that, unless you are kris, which most of you aren't, but whatever)..................


Saturday, April 11, 2009

welcome to the kingdom of girlish sighing

*girlish sigh* I'm smitten. and WAY too happy for someone living in a world with so many problems. but, yeah, good things have happened. so, now, there is one blog among me and my followers that is one hundred percent glee. that is, until someone does something stupid. but, OKAY! break out the sparkling grape juice *goes and raids the refrigerator and steals sparkling grape juice which should in fact be for Easter*..............*teehee* can you see why this is the kingdom of girlish sighing? can ya?

*girlish sigh*

~skyefish~ <3

Friday, April 10, 2009

I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes! i did it! i really actually did it! i sent him an email and i told him that i loved him! *instant glee* yeah, kinda cheesy, but whatever. all i have to do now is pray that he checks his email QUICK!


p.s. pray for me!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Holy Fnupping Crappy!

Yes, fnupping is a word. I just invented it. it does not mean f***ing. no, it does not. but it was inspired by my friend Kris' ten inch blog post, where she seamlessly flows from one random topic to another for about five inches and rants randomly about things in our lives for the other five inches. have you ever really liked someone and known that they like you back but been too much of a coward to say anything and when their twin sister tries to tell them to talk to you so that you can nonchalantly drop some hints they won't believe her because you and this guy have already gone out once and he thinks that you hate him? has this ever happened to YOU? if so, please join the club. that is my life right now. but i have ranted enough about this.

BTW, in the title, a crappy is a fish.

tomorrow is our school talent show. my algebra teacher's daughter just had twin girls. i have to dance in the talent show. the guy i like's science teacher has been replaced with his old bus driver who hates his guts unjustly. i am terrified that i will mess up my dance, or one of my friends will mess up and we will crash and burn. there was something in the water at our school today so we were all acting kinda caffeinated without actually being that. i have to go now.

tootleloo, friends!


Tuesday, April 7, 2009


hi! i really haven't got much to say, but I need something to do while i download 'i will' by jimmy wayne. great song, FYI, but if country isn't ur thing, don't judge me. but it is a good song.......

SO! man, what a stressful random two days these two days have been! and it is only Tuesday! who knows what will happen tomorrow or *gasp* THURSDAY!?!?!?!????!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!! there have been enough random almost-cat-fights, bad attitudes, and bad days in these two days to cover at least two weeks in a semi-Utopian society. but, whaddaya know! this isn't even semi-semi-utopian! our society is full of complete meanies and horrible fathers (not mine, fyi, check my follower kris' blog to find one of those) and random behind-their-back conversations that give me whiplash trying to remember who is mad at whom! (is that the correct use of whom?)

are ya catching the drift that one of those bad days was kinda mine? well, yeah, kinda. not so bad as some other people's days *cough Kris cough* but, oddly enough, i am mostly happy. isn't that completely peculiar? yeah, i dunno, the joys of potential affection, i suppose. but, FYI, 'Cameron' has been being a total buttface. you don't know who that is, which is good, because he is a great and funny person but not so much lately. yeah.

ENOUGH! i should stop using the internet to solve (or not so much solve) my problems! bye now!!!!!!!!!!!

many many many fangs,

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The line is breaking up! Or is that just us?

:) i love song lyrics! this one is from 'on the line' by Demi Lovato/The Jonas Brothers. don't judge me. that's how it works around here--i don't judge you, you don't judge me. besides, their music is actually pretty good, ya know?

anyway, GUESS WHAT??!?!?!?!!!?!?!!?!?!? our 'science geek' team (science olympiad) won SECOND!!!!! in the whole REGION!!!!! and we're going to STATE!!!!!! *yahoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!*
*huffs and puffs from yelling so hard* isn't that exciting, friends! it almost makes up for my best guy friend being a butt head and me being all confused and stuff. yeah. on to the next subject.

okay, so there is this guy at my church. i will call him.......Darren, so you can't stalk him or anything. and Darren has a twin brother named...........I'm thinking maybe Roger? okay, so i have a huge crush Darren (goodness gracious is flipping HOT) but then i really don't know either of them enough to make a real preference since they are identical and all, but still i think i like Darren better.......but Roger looks at me more.........but, of course, i do kind of sit BEHIND Darren............hmmmm.............

isn't it nice to hear about something other than me being confused? this is mostly because i haven't seen the object of my confusion in so long that i can't concentrate on it........

anywho, see ya l8r!!! or, ya know, not SEE ya persay.....

~skyefish the bloggogger~

Friday, April 3, 2009 fifteen......

another song lyric. man, do I love song lyrics! again, another Taylor Swift song, conveniently called 'fifteen'. it's about all the challenges that a girl faces in her freshman year of high school between peer pressure and wanting older guys to notice you and trying to invent yourself as a person and that sometimes you just have to sit back and realize that you aren't going to always be able to figure everything out as a teenager and that maybe, just maybe, you don't know everything. only time brings that. sometimes all you can do is weather the storm and try your hardest to reflect on who and what you are as a person and where you want to be in ten years and steer your life in that general direction.

gosh, am i awfully easily confusable for someone so deep, eh? i know. i do tend to at least TRY to take my advice, though. sometimes the whole 'steering your life' bit messes me up. i always tell people that me behind the wheel of anything is more dangerous than anything russia or korea could pull against the USA. i can, do, and will continue to run into trees in any vehicle, including boats and planes and stuff......

have you read the Max Ride books by James Patterson? they are FABULOUS! i am about to start the fourth one (the final warning) and a bunch of people tell me that four and five aren't as good as the other ones but whatever who really cares if you commit to a series you should finish it.

okay, all the rant is out of me......i if i post again within twenty minutes, don't be surprised......

~skyefish, editor of all things skyefishy~

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ya know what?

I feel like posting AGAIN!!!! isn't it great to live in a free country where no one CARES how many freaking times you explode all over your computer screen with absolutely NO purpose except that you are bored out of your mind and your best friend isn't on the internet so you can't continuously email her????? isn't that just the BEST thing EVER??????

this will be a shortie, i swear. i just......i have a lot on my mind, you know, and maybe i like exploding all over my screen so that maybe, one day in the far future, after the internet has been replaced with something more efficient and mindless techies are sorting through all the cyber-junk, maybe on of them will stumble across this blog and get a kick out of the ramblings of a random person. that would bring joy to my immortal soul, ya know? that's the sort of thing an angel gets it's wings for.

g'night, assorted friends and whatnot. love as ever.


I dared you to kiss me and ran when you tried...

that is a song lyric, if you couldn't tell from the absolute out-of-context-ed-ness that generally applies to random song lyrics. it is from the song 'Mary's song' by the ever fabulous Taylor Swift. heard of her? i sure hope so. you don't have to like her music, but i really like the songs she writes and she is one of my biggest musical roll models and yada yada ya.....

can you tell that i am stalling? avoiding the question, whatever question that may be? can you? props to those who can. for those who can't.....i have nothing to say to you.....

well, as anyone who has been following this blog can surely note, i am an utterly confused individual. and i know for certain that the two actual followers of this blog know that (Q, Kris, this means YOU!) but, until lately, my confusedness was very limited and mostly kept inside me or used as an excuse when i act like a complete imbecile. is my life like that anymore? NO! now my confusedness actually affects people, and, i dunno, apparently that makes it kinda important. *sigh*

i wish sometimes that there was no such thing as confused. that there was a set path of true destiny for you (which included mistakes and wrong turns, which of course you would not know ahead of time) that every single decision that you made followed closely and, therefore, there was no need for confusedness.

did you pick up on it that time? the avoiding? ten gold stars! good job!

in case you really care about my well being, i never am actually going to reveal the outcome of my confusedness, on the off-chance that the person i am confused about finds this page. but i hope you enjoy reading my confusedness, dearest friends, enemies, reporters, paparazzi, government officials, stalkers, murderers, wizards, vampires, werewolves, pixies, cannibals, republicans, Bobby-Joes, and redneck ninjas that happen upon this. love as always.

~skyefish~ (gone skyefishing, be back later.........)