Monday, May 18, 2009

CORNy Potter and the Sorcerer's CORN

my brother is on a 'corn' kick at the moment. here are some of the things that we have come up with.

1. CORNy Potter and the *insert appropriate corn-based title here*
2. Journey to the Center of my CORN
3. Indiana CORN *da da da daaaa da da CORN*
4. CORN Wars
5. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the CORN
6. The CORN Thief
7. CORNula
8. FrankenCORN
9. The Jungle CORN
10. BatCORN and CORNin vs. The CORNy Joke Guy
11. SpiderCORN
12. CORNin and the COBmunks
13. Hannah CORNtana
14. James and the Giant CORN
15. The CORNas Brothers
16. High School MusiCORN
17. Charlie the UniCORN

okay, so those are some of the products of my brother and his friends' weird, messed up little minds. i hope they have brought you much joy.

~skyefish (or am i skyeCORN?)~

1 comment:

Charlie said...

um Skyfish i think Charlie the uniCORN already has corn on the end

fish and chips