Sunday, June 20, 2010

she's a lady, and ladies shouldn't be messed with.

I am in love.

no, it's not what you think (although, that might be true as well....tehe). I am in love with high speed internet, and through it, The Ready Set and Forever the Sickest Kids. They are two ahmazing bands that I discovered whilst stumbling around youtube....and wow, they rock. the singer for The Ready Set, Jordan [very complicated last name that I cannot spell] is gorgeous and sings fantastically, and the drummer of FTSK (I think his name is Kyle Burns...idk though) has beastly hair. and, basically, they rock.

so, yeah. unfortunately, I am broke, and therefore cannot buy their music....sigh.

in other news, summer is boring. sort of. I have to start something hideously annoying tomorrow that lasts 4 days, 8 hours per day. yeah. it's like school, but boring-er, and my friends won't be around much. :( sad day, I know. but I gotta pay my dues. echkkkkkk.

haha, ttyl internet!!!


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