Thursday, June 10, 2010

my life=weird

haha, i hope you all are ready for a story, because have i got one? YES. here goes:

once upon a time, there was a girl named....we'll call her Ellen. so Ellen is a pretty cool person (maybe) and so this guy......we'll call him Shan, okay? Shan is very cute, and Ellen likes him, sorta, and they used to date, and then they broke up and didn't speak for like 6 months, and then they become like REALLY good friends, very suddenly. and Ellen knows that Shan still likes her, but it's fun to be around him because she knows he won't hurt her or anything.

here's the catch though--Ellen starts to like Shan again. OH NO! so they flirt all the time and everything. and then, one day......well, first let me say that Shan kinda knows that Ellen is becoming attracted to him again. he's not an idiot. so, anyway, one day Ellen asks Shan if he still likes her. and after a lot of distracting side-talk, he says, get this, NO.

and wow, Ellen's heart just cracks right in two! now see, Ellen is incredibly honest and has never once lied to Shan, until that day at least, because he asks her if she's okay and she says that she is and makes a hasty exit.

but Ellen is very NOT okay.

so she cries herself to sleep, is all out of sorts for a few days (the weekend) and then she comes back to school and pretends that nothing happened. she still hangs out with and talks to Shan, but with slightly less gusto than before because Ellen thinks it is a lost cause. but, oddly, Shan keeps doing very.......suggestive-of-liking-her things, like texting her goodnight randomly and being always very nice to Ellen.

so, in any case, Ellen and Shan were texting one afternoon, and Shan asked her if she liked him. and Ellen kind of just rolled her eyes and tried to avoid the question, because, in her mind, it doesn't matter one way or the other since Shan doesn't like her. but, since she is honest, she eventually tells him that yes, in fact she does, at least in some respect.

and, HOLY COW, apparently Shan still likes her! he tells Ellen that the night he told her he didn't he was lying. and wow, Ellen flips her lid. "EXCUSE ME?" she types, "do you have any idea what that did to me?" and Shan apologizes profusely and begs her forgiveness, saying that he only said that because it was almost the summertime and they wouldn't see each other anyway and he's just SO sorry.

okay, so, Ellen is just like, wow. on the one hand, she is excited/happy that Shan does, in fact, still like her. however, on the other hand, she is upset with him for lying to her and also TERRIFIED of what is going to happen next--like, where does this leave Ellen and Shan's perfect friendship?

tune in next time, readers, for more of this epic tale. :P hahahaha, whatevers.


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