Friday, August 13, 2010

it's no surprise that NOTHING rhymes with woman.

haha, that is a lyric. the title, that is. it's from "Another Man's Woman" by Carbon Leaf.....and yes, i like that band now too. :) that's the way the world works i guess.

in other news, GEEZ i need to blog more often! so fnuppin' much has happened since the last time i blogged that i cannot possibly hope to cover it all. there are 2 big things though. let me list them below, and then briefly/non-briefly describe them for you:

1. i went to summer camp as a CIT 1 and it BEASTED. i have never had so much fun. ever in my lifetime. yup. it was absolutely fabulous.

2. i, Skyefish/Ellen/whatever other pseudonyms i am using, IS OVER SHAN/SHMALEX/WHATEVER OTHER PSEUDONYMS FOR HIS NAME THERE ARE. yup. and i have said that before but i swear on my woodcookie and my letters from Kelp that i really am over it this time. and that swear is like the most serious thing ever, so be explained below.

there is nothing more i have to say about the nasty Shan business, so on to a MUCH more important thing: CAMP!!!! oh my goodness gracious, it was literally the bestest place ever. legit. but i was there for 2 weeks (13 days, actually, and 12 nights) but as a CIT 1 (counselor-in-training part 1) we got to do counselor stuff AND camper stuff, which was delightful. and all the CITs got counselor "big sisters" who we can go to with problems and who we love unconditionally (at least in me and my bcffl Phoenix's case) and they are AWESOME. and my big's name is Kelp. and she is the most awesome person on the face of the earth, followed closely by my cousin Amy and Stephenie Meyer. and then me and my friends, of course.

but anyway, Kelp--she's a beast. she's like, all the stuff that you are supposed to be as a counselor (good at fire-building, AWESOME BEYOND REASON, knows lots of songs, friendly to kids, good at arts and crafts, etc) and she's also EVERYTHING that i want to be as a counselor. because you see, even when i am the part of me that i am at camp, i am not exactly the most loud and outgoing person ever. and Kelp is freakishly awesome, even though she is quieter than some of the other counselors. which makes her several times cooler than anyone exactly like her who is just naturally as loud as the others. yup.

okay, this is a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally long post. adios for now.


p.s. i love camp. and my bcffl Phoenix. and Kelp. :) and NOT Shmalex.

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