Friday, October 17, 2008

Guess Where I Am?


Did ya guess?

If you said school, then congratulations! You have won 50,000 gold stars! [gold stars cannot be redeemable for cash, jelly beans, or peanut butter. void in colorado]

Hurray! Well, I really have nothing to say. I was just looking for something to do while I listen to Panic! at the Disco with my bestest friend! Yes! Go PatD!!!!

Well, see ya soon!

~Skyefish the most crazily singinging~

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Rockin' and Rulin'

Hello, hello, hello. I am your dearest Count Olaf...

Okay, like seriously hello. My bff just fell off of the pullout couch bed. So did her little sister.

I am at my friend the Lizard's house. Her little bro is totally crazy. They ALL crazy. Including me. And her wiener dog Gnocchi. Hurrah for randomness!

The Lizard be playing Guitar Hero Aerosmith edition. Not all of those songs are Aerosmith. Makes no sense to me.

The Lizard calls everyone pig. The Lizard rocks and rules. Hurray for rockin and rulin!!!!

Byebye y'all.


Friday, September 5, 2008

Breaking Dawn ROX MY SOX

Whoa! Hello, people of Earth who bother to look at my blog!

Well, my rant this day is BREAKING DAWN! Have you read it?

If yes, YOU ROCK! You have earned my respect, people who said yes!

If no, DARN YOU! You disgust me, people who said no! GO READ IT NOW!!!! Well, actually, go read Twilight, then New Moon, then Eclipse, and then go read Breaking Dawn.

Yes, well, it is the best book ever. Besides maybe Twilight. I love New Moon and Eclipse and all, but they weren't nearly as good as Twilight and Breaking Dawn. So, GO! READ! BE MERRY!

Many Fangs,
~Skyefish the Extremely Devoted Stephenie Meyer Fanatic~

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

oh. my. gawd.

oh. my. gawd.

I haven't posted since flippin' July. *tiny voice in background shrieks 'august'* SHUT UP TINY VOICE! IT WAS NOT AUGUST IT WAs JULY THE LAST TIME WE SAW THAT DOGGONE LOCH NESS MONSTER!

sorry. things have happened. suspicious items were found in parking lots before rainstorms. boyfriends were broken up with. brothers began playing the tenor saxophone (i just discovered that i forgot how to spell saxophone b'cuz it is always just 'sax' or 'sexyphone'). (long story on the sexyphone thing)

Well, I am back in the comfort of my own home. Actually, comfort is questionable these days. To tired to think.

School pictures tomorrow. Joy. I never look good in school pictures. Mostly because I think I look better in Black and White, and the pics are in color. Oh, I wish they would photoshop them!


Monday, July 28, 2008

July the Somethingth

Greetings, people of earth!

Wassup and all that rediculousness?

I am safely 700 miles away from the comfort of my room, and forced to endure such tradegies as small boys. Yes, the pain is quite bad.

But luckily, there is a computer in this place, and also I am going to visit two of the most coolerest people on the face of the planet!!!! *cool music plays*

Cannot wait for it!

Many Fangs,

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Boy Scout Camp=Mental Institution

Hello, purple people!!!!

Today is almighty Queen Mamman's birthday celebration and whatnot and so forth. That is basically code for I get to make cakes!!!!!

Also the insane nutso crazy one is returning from some sort of institution of craziness. I think that it is called Boy Scout Camp...dunno though.

Keep on rockin!


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

*takes a deep breath*

Hello, spaztastic crazy people of Earth!!!!

Sorry for the supery duper big gapola in bloggogging. (yes, my spelling skills just went kooky) Love you all just the same!

Anywho, SUMMERSUMMERSUMMERSUMMERSUMMERSUMMERSUMMER!!!!!!!! That was my salute to summertime.

Oh! If you are reading this, please check out another swizzle blog at


many fangs,


Thursday, March 20, 2008


Hello crazy monkeys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is the last day of school before Springish Break *thanks the heavens* I couldn't handle too much more.....................

Well, that's all for now, folks!

skyefish the crawfish eater

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Hello crazy and awesome readers!!!!!

The blustery wind is blowin' me away today. A tempest is at hand. Or it is just windy. There's no way to tell which one it is.........

I am writing a comical Greek-esque myth about why my friend Sir Christos of Pha was not outside yesterday. Turned out he was staying afterschool for something or other with the Almighty Band, but I didn't know that. So my friends Sir Res of Aund and Lady Steni of Krist abducted him (in my story). At the point in the tale where I am now me and my friend Lady Lynn of Crate are searching for a magical oboe reed to return to the Oboracle...........

C U L8r!!!!!!!!!!!!!

skyefish the most awesomely random

[edit] if this confuses you, don't worry, it confuses me too.......[end edit]

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

springish break is almost hither!

Hello random and most awesome readers!!!!!!!!!!

The world revolves on it's axis peacefully for once in my overly stressed out CRAZZZZZY life as N.E.S.T. disappears behind me in a cloud of nasty smelling grey smoke *wrinkles nose* I am soooooo glad that that chapter of my life is over.

I hope that all of you have a wonderful and totally awesome Springish Break and enjoy a well-deserved break from schoolio................

skyefish the Converse wearer

Monday, March 17, 2008

St. Paddy's Day

Hello rabid readers!!!!!!!!!!

HAPPY ST PADDY'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From one 1/128 irish person to another, I love St Patrick's day. It gives me a fabulous excuse to wear my fave color (lime green) and pinch people who don't own anything green!!!!!!! *pinches someone*

I also love shamrocks. They're all magical and green and natural One time when I was but a wee tot I searched my backyard for almost 2 hours trying to find a foru-leafed clover. I gave up eventually (i was hungry) but then this other time I found one entirely by accident...........

skyefish the fabulous!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Hello totally wicked awesome viewers of this humble blog!!!!!

The inevitably terrible storm has passed. *wipes sweat off brow* I didn't do half bad either.

I am surrounded by shiny black metal and plastic (that is code for new computer equipment) and I love it!!! I must thank King Bentley and Queen Mamman for their lovely gift............

C U L8r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~skyefish the incredibly cool~

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Hello anyone who dares to view this page!!!!!!!!!!

All is well in the world of Skyefish, but a storm is brewing. The Nastily Exhausting Science Test (fondly called NEST) is fastly approaching, and there is no way I will succeed.

C U L8r!!!!!!!!!!!!

~skyefish the fabulous~