Friday, September 5, 2008

Breaking Dawn ROX MY SOX

Whoa! Hello, people of Earth who bother to look at my blog!

Well, my rant this day is BREAKING DAWN! Have you read it?

If yes, YOU ROCK! You have earned my respect, people who said yes!

If no, DARN YOU! You disgust me, people who said no! GO READ IT NOW!!!! Well, actually, go read Twilight, then New Moon, then Eclipse, and then go read Breaking Dawn.

Yes, well, it is the best book ever. Besides maybe Twilight. I love New Moon and Eclipse and all, but they weren't nearly as good as Twilight and Breaking Dawn. So, GO! READ! BE MERRY!

Many Fangs,
~Skyefish the Extremely Devoted Stephenie Meyer Fanatic~

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