Wednesday, August 27, 2008

oh. my. gawd.

oh. my. gawd.

I haven't posted since flippin' July. *tiny voice in background shrieks 'august'* SHUT UP TINY VOICE! IT WAS NOT AUGUST IT WAs JULY THE LAST TIME WE SAW THAT DOGGONE LOCH NESS MONSTER!

sorry. things have happened. suspicious items were found in parking lots before rainstorms. boyfriends were broken up with. brothers began playing the tenor saxophone (i just discovered that i forgot how to spell saxophone b'cuz it is always just 'sax' or 'sexyphone'). (long story on the sexyphone thing)

Well, I am back in the comfort of my own home. Actually, comfort is questionable these days. To tired to think.

School pictures tomorrow. Joy. I never look good in school pictures. Mostly because I think I look better in Black and White, and the pics are in color. Oh, I wish they would photoshop them!


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