Sunday, July 5, 2009

is that gravy??!!!!?!?!

oh, wait, no, that's just my brain slowly oozing out of my ears.........

my cool people, amy and mary, are leaving tomorrow. it's always beast when they visit but they need to visit for longer, ya know? we have good times and make funny things even funnier but these things only come after long times.

oh, and did you know that michael jackson is, in fact, not dead? nope, he's running around downtown with a gold cape, a black cane, a gold and black striped top hat, and a matching suit with a white lace ruffle at the chin. or maybe it's his ghost, or his zombie, or someone unrelated who just looks a lot like him. the latter is prolly true. yeah.

gotta go. brain oozing and whatnot........


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