Friday, July 24, 2009

But I'm alive! I'm not dead!

*shuddering in a corner somewhere* wow. today i had to discover the applications of something more unnatural than a radioactive platypus singing 'Looking for Angels' by Skillet while wearing barfed-on Doc Martens and a two-tone Elvis impersonator jumpsuit, and scarier than a scorned Kevin Jonas admirer that has been genetically enhanced with the DNA of both an enraged buffalo and a great white shark and is carrying a baby Dementor brandishing a fencing foil and a nuclear weapon of immense size. oh yeah, i went there. it was uNnAtUrAl and sCaRy!!!

but, as per usual, i will not tell you what this thing is. i will not tell you even if you comment. i will not tell Al and Kris even if they email me. and i will not tell you here nor there nor anywhere not in the day not in the night not in the dark not in the light NOWHERE! so please just enjoy the delightfully random explanation and go back to your brownie-making.

*pwnage* i bet you couldn't have guessed that i knew at this very moment you are cooking BROWNIES! but i did! but i do! aha! the cleverness of me. i love peter pan isn't he a beastlet? like, for real............................

i have wreaked enough mental havoc for this evening. goodbye, friendy-olas......


p.s. maybe someday soon if my mother lets me i will have a facebook page! but not as of yet. sigh.

1 comment:

Allison said...

hahaha brownie making...that's hilarious stuff!!! hmmm....i won't even begin to try to guess what that thing is....