Tuesday, July 28, 2009

28 days, or 4 weeks

28 days is a long time. that's something like 672 hours, which is 40320 minutes, which is 2419200 seconds. less, now, of course because it is in the night, but that is how long until we go back to school.

some people would be freaking out at that number. about half of those would be freaking out because that is far too soon. half of those people are afraid that their perfect summer will end. the other half, or fourth of the people freaking out, are worried that they have too much to do before school starts. the other half of the original freaking out people are upset because that is too far away. half of these people are not willing to do all the things that they will undoubtedly have to do until then and want to have the solid excuse of homework back in the equation. the last half, or fourth of the original freaking-outers, are so desperate to see their friends and boyfriend that they almost literally count down every second until you get to go back.

guess which fourth i fall under? if you guessed the last fourth (the fourth fourth) you would be correct. also, i expect that you are confused by all this math. but i just want to express the desire i possess to reconnect with my people. yeah.

today i was at the pool and i could see the twirlers twirling their multicolored flags and i was all 'nuh uh i don't wanna see no twirlers! i wanna see my people!' but of course i couldn't' say it aloud because the older guys in the pool next to me would think i was a loonie and spread it around school. bad beans, yo. but yeah. no one cares about the twirlers (except the twirlers, their families, their friends, and their significant others) but yeah. i have confuzzled you enough friends......



Friday, July 24, 2009

But I'm alive! I'm not dead!

*shuddering in a corner somewhere* wow. today i had to discover the applications of something more unnatural than a radioactive platypus singing 'Looking for Angels' by Skillet while wearing barfed-on Doc Martens and a two-tone Elvis impersonator jumpsuit, and scarier than a scorned Kevin Jonas admirer that has been genetically enhanced with the DNA of both an enraged buffalo and a great white shark and is carrying a baby Dementor brandishing a fencing foil and a nuclear weapon of immense size. oh yeah, i went there. it was uNnAtUrAl and sCaRy!!!

but, as per usual, i will not tell you what this thing is. i will not tell you even if you comment. i will not tell Al and Kris even if they email me. and i will not tell you here nor there nor anywhere not in the day not in the night not in the dark not in the light NOWHERE! so please just enjoy the delightfully random explanation and go back to your brownie-making.

*pwnage* i bet you couldn't have guessed that i knew at this very moment you are cooking BROWNIES! but i did! but i do! aha! the cleverness of me. i love peter pan isn't he a beastlet? like, for real............................

i have wreaked enough mental havoc for this evening. goodbye, friendy-olas......


p.s. maybe someday soon if my mother lets me i will have a facebook page! but not as of yet. sigh.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


so, ya know how when you go to your Blogger dashboard it tells you how many posts you have on your blog(s)? well, even though i probably don't have the attention span to say much at all, the number of posts has sat stubbornly at 69 and i am just SICK and TIRED of that friggin' number! *grrr* I've been on sort of a Sudoku rampage lately (MENSA certified, i feel smart) and it always seems that the last two numbers in the block or column or row are 6 and 9 and it makes me scream!!!!!

so, besides the whole number conspiracy, I haven't been up to much. i went to a swim meet on Saturday which was yesterday. i did the 50 yard backstroke, breast stroke, and freestyle, and the 100 IM (individual medley [fly, back, breast, free]) and i won't know how i did until tomorrow which is Monday.

well. i must depart. bored and random. oh, and kris, if you read this, liked the randomness of the blog post sista! is the title a quote from the song? i am living under a rock, of course, and don't know such things.

buh bye now!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

funny guy on the comedy channel

this guy is pielarious! i dunno his name but he's on the comedy network or whatever and he's making fun of that SC governor guy because ya know everyone would've forgotten about him what with Michael Jackson dying and all but then he's still talking so he's making fun of that guy left and right and it's soooooooooooooooooooo funny!


p.s. yes that is the highlight of the second besides my friend's birthday partay.......

Sunday, July 5, 2009

is that gravy??!!!!?!?!

oh, wait, no, that's just my brain slowly oozing out of my ears.........

my cool people, amy and mary, are leaving tomorrow. it's always beast when they visit but they need to visit for longer, ya know? we have good times and make funny things even funnier but these things only come after long times.

oh, and did you know that michael jackson is, in fact, not dead? nope, he's running around downtown with a gold cape, a black cane, a gold and black striped top hat, and a matching suit with a white lace ruffle at the chin. or maybe it's his ghost, or his zombie, or someone unrelated who just looks a lot like him. the latter is prolly true. yeah.

gotta go. brain oozing and whatnot........


Friday, July 3, 2009

*anxious energy*

oooooooo, I am so excited! my rockin' cousin and my rockin' friend from Chicago are coming soon! i am very very happy because when i am with them it's like someone lit the fuse on a crazy bomb...and this is a good thing, by the way. a VERY good thing......

well, gotta go, the upstairs voices commmand it to be so!


Wednesday, July 1, 2009


anyone out there? am I the only living being in the world? hope not. see yesterday's blog for what would happen if i were the only person alive.
