Saturday, June 6, 2009

do you LOVE the revamp?

well, do you? isn't this a fabulous new style? and all the brightness and colorfulness? isn't it berylliant?

and yes, i spelled brilliant wrong on purpose. put that on your cereal.

so, on to the subject of this post, which is........well, I'm not really sure, actually. what do you want the subject to be? i could talk about how fnupping bored i am, or how i can't call my friend because i don't know if she's home, or how i am really full because i ate a burrito the size of Paraguay for lunch, or how I've been watching home makeover shows all day with my grandmother, or how hard it is to write the music behind a song, or how i wrote a new song called 'when i miss you', or how the mentioning of my songwriting will cause Kris to indignantly comment 'you haven't told me about my song yet!', or how we're going to go eat ice cream in 21 minutes. i could probably talk about any of that....

and i just did. *teehee* it's like a sneaky way of making my brain think of something to write!!!! i love being sneaky, or, in other terms, sly. speaking of sly, have you read the 'Uglies' books by Scott Westerfeld? they are fantastical......

okay, see you friendolas!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

not indignant, just curious. =)
