Friday, June 5, 2009


that is read 'gasp in a mole ee' like guac-in-a-mole.....

okay, so, yeah, today was our school's field day. so basically we sat outside in the drizzling rain for a very long time. and somehow i still managed to have a pretty good day, even though i lost one of my new ballet shoe earrings, got sunburned even with the sun shining only for like twenty minutes, and i did really suckily at my event because i wasn't any good at it....

yeah, a pretty darn good day. a CERTAIN person's class won field day *cough Q cough* and our homeroom adopted my boyfriend so we could hang out and stuff. so, yeah.

whoa, i say that a lot. so, yeah. so, yeah. so, yeah. pudding mix is clearly at fault here.


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