Friday, February 13, 2009

Monomials, Binomials, Trinomials, oHmY!

omg. so much freakin math. the world is just lame. and even though i like math, this is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY out of line. seriously. yeah.

okay. i haven't really got anything else to say, but i felt legally obligated to blog. isn't that a fabu word?!?!?!?!?!?! blog blog blogblgoblgoglboglboglbooboblbllgogogoggkbblbgoobgoblogbkgbhjjgfjghjklfgjksdjghsdfgjklhdfjlghjkldfhgjkdfhgjkhdfjkghjdklshfgkdhf



Anonymous said...

Polymonials scare me to... *shudder*

Allison said...

Hey Skye!
Math is soooooo lame (even though i love it)...that didnt make any sense but oh well. it's so weird, u, me and kris have the same theme on our blog....the randomness must be shared between us.... ok that totally did NOT make sense either....but i don't really care so bye. hahaha the word verification says fersh...that's a weird word. ok i really have to go so bye again

by the way, crazy q is my blog....
