Wednesday, February 4, 2009


wHoOaA!!!!!! *rubs eyes and blinks* I had almost forgotten what this looked like! Dang!

Well, actually, I haven't. hEyYyYyY everyone!!!! I swear, I didn't forget all of you guys! I just haven't...had...time... *screams bloody murder and strangles the nearest person*

I'm okay! I's just, we had this snow day, ya see, and me and snow just dO nOt get along. Like, at all. So I'm just a little crazy..............wait. I am always a little crazy........*hmm*

Thank you. For dealing with me. I know. It can be really hard. But thank you. You are awesome, nameless people on the other end of my computer!

ByeBye now!

~Skyefish, professional SnowBuster (did ya get that? like GhostBuster????? *laughs manically*)

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