Thursday, May 20, 2010

the ingenuity of The Lizaaaard.

okay, here is a list of boys i will NOT be dating, compiled by my dear friend the Lizard. and for the guys' sake, i will scramble them all up and stuff. :)


1. Joel Melark
2. Prince Ellio
3. "Brent"
4. Mal-bad aching feet (whose name the Lizard cannot spell)
5. Sir Christos (this one I do not understand why he is on the list...)
7. Ick on a Stick creeperboy
8. Dawg
9. Thundercat

and with that, I leave you, laughing as hysterically as one on drugs. which i am not i swear. :)


Thursday, May 13, 2010

one large question mark

wow. I spoke too soon. I broke up with "the boyfriend" earlier this week, and everyone in sight is pouncing on me to pick my next prize.

however, I don't exactly want a new boyfriend just yet. I do enjoy being single. it is rather nice, because nothing is expected of you by anyone and you can flirt to your heart's desire. or rather, I can. I am not aware of YOUR relationship status, reader. if you're in a relationship, flirting with everyone is probably not the best idea.

however, I am scoping the skies. I have one very solid option, though not a single person that I know would ever encourage me toward it. there is another less solid, emo option, but I dunno about him. I am just epically confused.


Saturday, May 8, 2010

oh, wow, good job.

haha, you know how I used to post constantly, like almost every day, faithfully and happily and always update as much as I could? obviously, that stopped dead. :( it's Facebook's fault, I swear ti's some sort of drug or something...

anyway, hello again blog! it's hilarious, the last thing I was ranting about was the guy in my Biology class, right? THAT WAS LAST SEMESTER! school is almost over, and eleventy kadillion things have happened since them. unfortunately, I neither have the time nor the desire to tell you about them all. however, a few things you must know.

1. I have a new boyfriend! well, not quite new, we've been together almost 2 months, but he's pretty awesome. good times.

2. geometry sucks. like, literally, it s-u-c-k-s. mhmm. don't deny it, internet, you know you agree.

3. I should not be on the internet right now, I have an enormous 4-part book project due in less than a month.

on the note of that last thing, lemme go. I will try oh-so-hard to keep up this blogging thing, even though I am in love with Facebook.....haha, hopefully talk to you soon, internet!

most fantastically, randomly yours,