Tuesday, June 30, 2009

definition of deprivation

define: deprivation, deprived, deprive

–verb (used with object), -prived, -priv⋅ing.
1. to remove or withhold something from the enjoyment or possession of (a person or persons): to deprive a man of life; to deprive a baby of candy.

i am deprived of the presence of my friends. sigh. short post. sigh.


Monday, June 29, 2009

funny muffins.....

i am a dork. you wanna know how i know? i watch Sonny With A Chance and laugh at not funny things. but Jonas is not funny, FYI, it's just lame and demeaning to the band, FYI. but yeah.

Chad, in megaphone: If I wanna say Sonny has pretty hair, I will!
Sonny, in her megaphone: And if I wanna say Chad has sparkley eyes I will!
Chad: Yeah, take that Selena!
Sonny: YEAH!

Selena: yep, there's nothing going on here at all *takes a few steps* you two are...PERFECT for each other! *storms out*

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I'm not even watching that show right now guffaw!


Sunday, June 28, 2009

okay, here we go............

well, my vacation was pretty darn sweet. we stayed in a different hotel/motel/friend's house every one of the 16 nights, and i bought something like over 70 souvenirs for myself and my friends.

it was great because the terrain in the Rockies and Tetons and in Yellowstone even is so different from anything that i am used to! i am used to mixed temperate forests and lowlands and big cities. well, i can tell you this, there is absolutely NONE of those things out there. it's just so weird! and the geothermal features (i.e. geysers and hot springs and such) are totally ethereal. far away from them is green and healthy, then right near them is desolate and moonscape-y and then in them is teeming with colorful thermophiles and stuff and WOW! so amazing!

well, gotta go. i miss ya friends!


whoa. just whoa.

whoa. LOADS has happened in the 2+ weeks since my last post. i have bought myself and my friends $150 of souvenirs. i have traveled across like 15 states or something. i have done lots and missed my friends much. and i will write more at a later date because we are going out to dinner. so i will expound tomorrow, or later if i can.



Thursday, June 11, 2009


attention to all you cyber-people out there! I'd like you to know that there will be a super long and somewhat prolonged blogging respite for the next two weeks. or really two weeks and two days. starting tomorrow.

although it may appear that i have fallen from the face of the earth, or that my computer broke down, or i went blind, or i got mysteriously ill, or i was taken hostage by banana people in Portugal or any other western European country, even though at times it may seem that one of these things was the case, they aren't. i swear it on my life.

you see, as it is summer, we're going on a BIG vacation to faraway lands that we've never seen before. we're going to go climb mountains and play in the snow in shorts. stuff like that. so, that's why I'll be gone. so sorry, faithful blogging buddies.

well, must depart soon. love to all! don't get yourself arrested or murdered in the next 16 days!

~skyefish the avid mountaineer (or something of that nature)~

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

for allusive gluten-free products....

the television just spit that at me. so today was the last day of school. everyone was getting all emotional and stuff and all the preps were like 'OMG i won't see you til the next huge party someone throws!' which will undoubtedly be in like two days. no offense to any preps out there.

i gotta go. i'm in trouble apparently.


p.s. pray for my soul.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

joe jonas=fez

do you doubt it? if so, you may be experiencing extreme stupidity. together, we can find a cure....

okay, but seriously, it's the craziest, strangest, slightly-creepiest thing that has ever happened! if you doubt that somehow the character of Fez on 'That 70s Show' was NOT transfused into Joe Jonas' DNA, go watch one of the episodes where Fez dances and then go watch 'Joe Jonas Dances to Single Ladies' on YouTube. i swear it is CRAZY!!!!!!!

i mean, i was like sitting there, making groaning noises at the extreme slowness of dial up internet services, and then while he's dancing i'm like, "why does that face with those weird moves look so familiar?" and then my mind is all like, "HOLY BANANA MONKEY FEZ!!!!" i swear, that is a direct quote from my mind.

so, yeah. i hope you agree with me. if you don't.......*duhn duhn duhhhhhhhhhhhhn*


Saturday, June 6, 2009

do you LOVE the revamp?

well, do you? isn't this a fabulous new style? and all the brightness and colorfulness? isn't it berylliant?

and yes, i spelled brilliant wrong on purpose. put that on your cereal.

so, on to the subject of this post, which is........well, I'm not really sure, actually. what do you want the subject to be? i could talk about how fnupping bored i am, or how i can't call my friend because i don't know if she's home, or how i am really full because i ate a burrito the size of Paraguay for lunch, or how I've been watching home makeover shows all day with my grandmother, or how hard it is to write the music behind a song, or how i wrote a new song called 'when i miss you', or how the mentioning of my songwriting will cause Kris to indignantly comment 'you haven't told me about my song yet!', or how we're going to go eat ice cream in 21 minutes. i could probably talk about any of that....

and i just did. *teehee* it's like a sneaky way of making my brain think of something to write!!!! i love being sneaky, or, in other terms, sly. speaking of sly, have you read the 'Uglies' books by Scott Westerfeld? they are fantastical......

okay, see you friendolas!


Friday, June 5, 2009


that is read 'gasp in a mole ee' like guac-in-a-mole.....

okay, so, yeah, today was our school's field day. so basically we sat outside in the drizzling rain for a very long time. and somehow i still managed to have a pretty good day, even though i lost one of my new ballet shoe earrings, got sunburned even with the sun shining only for like twenty minutes, and i did really suckily at my event because i wasn't any good at it....

yeah, a pretty darn good day. a CERTAIN person's class won field day *cough Q cough* and our homeroom adopted my boyfriend so we could hang out and stuff. so, yeah.

whoa, i say that a lot. so, yeah. so, yeah. so, yeah. pudding mix is clearly at fault here.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

OMFG! in schoolio AGAIN!

omfg! i'm in school again and it's almost lunch and i am not supposed to be doing this so BYE!


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

life is pretty dang slow.....

as the title suggests, life is slow right now. i have no emails from anyone. no one has blogged. i am having many repetitive fetishes, both of previously told things to Kris and things that get increasingly impossible as time passes. anyone have a get-back-to-reality ray gun??
