Friday, February 13, 2009

Monomials, Binomials, Trinomials, oHmY!

omg. so much freakin math. the world is just lame. and even though i like math, this is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY out of line. seriously. yeah.

okay. i haven't really got anything else to say, but i felt legally obligated to blog. isn't that a fabu word?!?!?!?!?!?! blog blog blogblgoblgoglboglboglbooboblbllgogogoggkbblbgoobgoblogbkgbhjjgfjghjklfgjksdjghsdfgjklhdfjlghjkldfhgjkdfhgjkhdfjkghjdklshfgkdhf


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

*on to next rant*


i realize that i just posted twenty-five seconds ago...26...27...28...29...30...

but THEN i realized that i hadn't ranted my latest rant! and honestly, that is just a crime. at least, it is in my world. and my blog is my world, sooooooo.......yeah. it is NOT a painful rant to listen to, i swear.

okay, my latest rant topic: valentines's day

yeah, i know, maybe that is kind of a painful topic. for some people. but not for me. except........well, let's see...........

1. valentine's day was invented to make people who don't have boyfriends/girlfriends or secret admirers jealous of those who do. whether they want to be or not.

2. valentine's day is on a saturday this year, so it is being celebrated in schools on friday. FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH!!!!!!! is there anything LESS romantic than FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH?!?!?!? if there is, PLEASE let me know. seriously!

3. valentine's day carnations are being sold at schools. for THREE DOLLARS! carnations are cheap, people, i swear they are. and, just btw, i HATE carnations! they are stupid and not all that beautiful and ROSES are better!!!! i don't care what anyone says! burgundy roses are the most romantic flowers EVER!

okay. end of rant. go on with your life.

~Skyefish, connoisseur of burgundy roses~


wHoOaA!!!!!! *rubs eyes and blinks* I had almost forgotten what this looked like! Dang!

Well, actually, I haven't. hEyYyYyY everyone!!!! I swear, I didn't forget all of you guys! I just haven't...had...time... *screams bloody murder and strangles the nearest person*

I'm okay! I's just, we had this snow day, ya see, and me and snow just dO nOt get along. Like, at all. So I'm just a little crazy..............wait. I am always a little crazy........*hmm*

Thank you. For dealing with me. I know. It can be really hard. But thank you. You are awesome, nameless people on the other end of my computer!

ByeBye now!

~Skyefish, professional SnowBuster (did ya get that? like GhostBuster????? *laughs manically*)