Saturday, September 12, 2009

explaining my problems to the internet

okay, so apparently on FaceBook there isn't a rant application (at least, not that I have found), so that, at least, is still the job of Blogger. so, here goes! enjoy, few who view this page!

alright, so hear the deal, i REALLY like this guy who for argument's sake will be called 'celery' (i'm not arguing anything, but he's celery, 'kay?) he's in one of my classes at school and he is so incredibly hot and cute and amazing and beautiful and sweet and all these other great things, but there is no way that he'd ever notice me at all. he actually talked to me a few days ago, but whatever. but it has been made known to me that he has a beautiful out-of-town blonde girlfriend and he has visited her and gone on vacay with her so i stand no chance. but i can't get him out of my head or my heart or my dreams or anything but i know it is fruitless. i have written two songs. i am without a doubt one of those annoyingly obsessed freshman that the upperclassmen roll their eyes at but i can't do a thing about it. sigh. and sigh again.

well, love to the internet!!!
