Tuesday, August 25, 2009

*tuneful tunes*

I survived! i went to HS, pwned big time, didn't die, or get lost, or beat up, or anything else! even though this kid in my Biology class stuck his huge hairy legs in the aisles on either side of my desk and blocked me in, there was also this really cute kid in that class. he won't notice me though, but that's the second best kind of crush--you can fantasize however you like and they'll never know! woot!


Saturday, August 22, 2009

things beginning with F

two things, specifically. honestly, i don't even really like the letter F, but whatever. i guess without it you couldn't spell lots of important words and phrases. okay.

FOOTBALL~this is the first F thing. i attended the first varsity football game yesterday (although i think it is weird that it was before school started.......) we were pounded into pudding by the other team. i think that i am a jinx.

FACEBOOK~this is the second and more exciting F thing. i got a Facebook wall!!! hurray hurrah huzzay huzzah! life is purdy rockin' sometimes, isn't it?

except now we have to start school. I was excited until i tried to find my classes. i'm scared. pray for me, internet friends!


Thursday, August 13, 2009

extreme overheating

hmm. i guess this is what my body does when it doesn't know whether to be upset or happy or just accepting. hmm. interesting.

well, in case you are wondering about those odd mix of emotions, i no longer have a boyfriend. hmm. weird how that happens, ya know? good thing then that we're starting a new school, with all sorts of amazingly hot older guys running around who'd love to get a younger chick. yeah, they don't want a younger chick (or so they currently think *mischievous*).

but whatever. life goes on. flowers bloom. storms brew. terrorists make bombs. lie detectors detect lies. ovens cook. tea leaves release sweet bitterness into hot water. baseball players get thrown out at second. vampires suck blood. babies scream. and maybe for once i can think of something besides trying to plot out tomorrow. maybe this is better, in a way. never figured myself one to commit, anyway.

love always to my sisters,

~skyefish~ *rueful smile, and not a single tear*

Sunday, August 9, 2009

BTS in 16 days

BTS is 'back to school' BTW. BTW, however, is not 'back to whaling' or 'back to Wisconsin'. i assume you know what it really is.

well, that's all. funny muffins, y'all. or, perhaps, funny beans.
