Saturday, May 7, 2011


okay. this is another thing for polyvore. don't look too closely, as it isn't done, because there is a fifty item limit or whatever, geez. :P bahhhhhhhh.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hey, bloggoggoggers!! I am trying out this thing they call ''mobile blogging'', because I now have this thing they call ''unlimited texting'', haha. Sorry for the sporadic insanity of my blogging. I'll try to fix that in the future. :D love you, internet!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


hello again, long forgotten friend! what is it with me and my sporadic blogging? sorry to the -12 people who actually read this bundle of insanity. maybe this will be an important blog someday, but i don't think that day is coming anytime soon.

anyway, since my last post was about the 4 boys, i will go ahead and say that there are only 2 now. one likes me, and i like one, and they aren't the same person sadly. isn't life just a huge square sometimes?

also, i hate snow. the only thing i like about winter is icicles.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

a quartet of questions.


things in my life are odd. mainly because, for some reason, there are [shudder] BOYS in my life. :) haha, this usually isn't a problem. but now, there are FOUR, and each with merits and demerits, and i have no notion as to who i like or any of that ridiculous nonsense. blahhhh.

in other news, i like the band Paramore. a lot. very much. averymuchlot. :D

okay. random post is now TERMINATED. :) teehee.

~skyefish <3

Sunday, September 12, 2010


hello, the internet. sorry I haven't been around much lately. school is insane. :P

anyway, so. a lot has been going on lately, you know? mostly, homework. geh. BUT, yesterday, my friend the Lizard and I had a ridiculous time in the car to and from a choral clinic. so that was good. :D

and OH. the other thing that must be told to you, internet: I am in love. sorta. we think. and NOT with a song or band this time, like with a dude! [gasp] yeah. in this blog, I think I used to call him Christos of Pha.......but that sounds very much like something I would've said in middle school. so I'm going to think of something better........but not yet. :)

alrighty, wellz, goodbye blog! I swear I'll be back soon!

~skyefish the gummy bear~

p.s. I'm listening to Justin Bieber.......sorry, members of the sane world. :/